“ENOUGH” is a Film On a Mission

The 13-minute-long film was shot over ten years, chronicling the first-generation Congolese American’s journey as a Black man in America in a dreamlike sequence directed by Caleb Slain, an award-winning filmmaker known for his virtual reality collaboration with Eminem.

The film is trending. Go watch it now.

This is Nathan’s take on the film and his work.

New Collaboration with Writer, Story Editor Meredith Hambrock

We are very happy and quite proud to welcome Meredith Hambrock to our roster of talented creators.

Meredith has worked on over 125 episodes of TV comedy as a story editor, writer, and story coordinator. In 2019, her pilot script won the WeScreenplay Comedy Writing contest and placed her in the top 4% on Coverfly’s “The Red List”. She’s had four plays produced, including CLIMB, a collaboration with aerial circus artist Esther DeMonteflores.

Additionally, she writes short fiction and was a finalist for the CBC Short Story Prize, The House of Anansi/Broken Social Scene Short Fiction Competition, and has been published in several prominent literary journals and magazines.

In 2019, she received a grant from the Canada Council to write a short story collection, titled “Woof!”

She currently writes for Corner Gas Animated.

‘Enough’: Caleb Slain’s Oscar Qualifying Short Film

Caleb Slain recently dropped what according to him is probably the most important project of his career and the story it tells is way bigger than anything he’s done.

“A dream. A nightmare. A musical.”

To say this film shouldn’t exist is an understatement. What started as a camp community video at the height of the pandemic is now a 2021 Oscar-qualifier, hinging on footage captured over 10 years.

It stars Nathan Nzanga at various ages.

“All I can promise is it ain’t like anything you’ve ever seen,” says Slain.

It is already a Vimeo Staff Pick.

#Oscars #Oscars2021 #HowDidWeGetLikeThis #ForYourConsideration #MoreThanEnough @enough.film @prodigy_camp #IDontKnowHowInstagramWorksAnymore

Jordan Miller: Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Letter of Greetings from Jordan Miller

Sending love, merriments, strong immunity, and hopeful energy for the shift towards all-around radder times. I can’t help thinking that a change in leadership and a seemingly-scientifically-cool vaccine feel like steps in the right direction. 

2020 was no doubt BS and mighty rough, although as I pride myself in being an “eternal optimist” like my pops, I find myself looking at the silver linings. We stood up for human rights. The youth sacrificed their own comforts to protect their elders. We broke down borders banded together as a planet.

One of my standout moments was helping plan the Paddle for Unity, a gathering in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. After a quick three days of promotion, nearly five thousand people stood in pin-drop silence, honoring George, Breonna, and the countless Black lives we’ve needlessly lost to police brutality. The presence and respect on the beach was electric and undeniable. 

SO – where do we go from here? I personally believe we need to fight the GREED pandemic by GIVING. We need to shift our narrative of The American Dream away from getting rich AF and living large like a rock superstar to becoming giving AF and collectively working towards providing basic needs for those who don’t have them. 

I feel honored to be a part of Kindhumans – A company founded by friends, on the core values of gathering conscious community, championing solutions and reinventing our commerce system, and always giving. For the last two years I’ve been working as the Creative Director of Media. Watching our co-founders Justin and Suzi give graciously, over-and-again, and hearing their refreshing perspectives on making the world kinder has been eye-opening and massively inspirational. 

If you have a moment, please check out what we’re building – and if you are feeling inspired to get involved in the Kindhumans feel-good inc, an easy place to start is by getting a membership. You instantly give ten bucks worth of impact (planting trees, providing clean drinking water, or mentoring kids – your choice) and you get fun swag and exclusive-like benefits.  Linked below if you’re feeling it 🙂

kindhumans.com + 10% off code from jo 🙂  – jordaeabvndfff

But shttt there are so many righteous paths – let’s just fkn CHOOSE them! Psyched if you join us on ours, psyched if you march your own.  Together I believe we can kill em with kindness!

With kindness, 
