Woolf+Lapin Partners With Moscow-based VFX Studio CGF

CGF is the largest visual effects studio in Russia.

They started out in 2004 as a small community of visual effects enthusiasts. Now CGF has grown to 18 departments of 150 visual effects professionals and made 3 feature films in co-production.

Their work consists of the blockbusters Flight Crew and The Age of Pioneers, receiving the Golden Eagle national awards for the Best Visual Effects while the film Going Vertical became the highest-grossing film of all time in Russia.

On top of their VFX work, animation and VR projects enjoyed much attention and praise at international festivals. Their animated short film Tweet-Tweet was acclaimed by animation and VFX experts for its artistic and technical mastery. Among the awards Tweet-Tweet received, are Best CG Animation – Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (Japan), Best Animated Short Film – Shanghai International Film Festival (China), Best Animation Movie – Festival du Film Merveilleux et Imaginaire (France).

And their VR experience The Space Walker, based on the feature film of the same name, is a sight to be seen.

It goes without saying that we are happy to be working with them.

La nouvelle série de Martin Girard et Mylène Chollet Le Jeu Pourrait Suivre les Traces de Fugueuse

La série, qui nous plonge dans l’univers sexiste et misogyne des jeux vidéo, est particulièrement efficace

Marc-André Lemieux

Laurence Lebœuf brille dans Le Jeu, une série avec laquelle TVA espère répéter l’exploit de Fugueuse : galvaniser les téléspectateurs et provoquer des conversations. La chaîne remportera-t-elle son pari ? Les chances sont bonnes.

Après avoir regardé les deux premiers épisodes, nous sommes persuadés qu’ils seront nombreux à suivre le thriller des auteurs Mylène Chollet et Martin Girard à compter du 10 septembre.

Réalisé par Claude Desrosiers (Feux, Apparences) et Anne De Léan (30 Vies), Le Jeu nous plonge dans l’univers des jeux vidéo, dépeint comme un milieu sexiste et misogyne. Le feuilleton relate le parcours de Marianne (Laurence Lebœuf), une conceptrice de jeux qui voit sa vie partir en vrille quand elle « ose » traiter les trolls de « pas de vie » lors d’un panel de discussion sur internet.

La réaction est immédiate et violente. Les gamers inondent ses réseaux sociaux de messages aussi vulgaires que troublants. « Maudite salope, tu vas avoir ce que tu mérites », « T’as besoin d’une bonne leçon grosse plotte » et autres « Fucking bitch » prennent en otage son téléphone intelligent. Et ça ne fait que commencer.

Lire l’article au complet.


On the Set of Juanjo Moscardó Rius’s INSTANT LOVE


Director and writer Juanjo Moscardó Rius’s Spanish version of his Austin Film Festival Screenwriting Competition Script INSTANT LOVE wrapped production in Spain. The film tackles sexual exploration amid marital trouble. It is a riot. 

Starring Macarena Gómez (En las estrellas, which is also being produced by Martínez and is about to be released: see the news), Enrique Arce (Money Heist), Luis Miguel Seguí (La que se avecina) and Lorena López (Ella es tu padre) and boasting a screenplay co-written by María MínguezMaría Laura Gargarella and Moscardó himself, it recounts how Pablo and Blanca have decided to dabble in partner-swapping – but they do not observe the first basic rule: don’t do it if you’re going through a marital crisis. To make it happen, they call up two of their single friends, Mía and Lucas, thus also disregarding the second basic rule: always do it with another couple.

The foursome has arranged to meet in a bar, but just before they leave, the couple have a heated argument that prompts them to reconsider all the things they have always believed: ranging from whether they love one another to why the hell they have a Thermomix. Meanwhile, in the bar, Mía and Lucas have just met for the first time and are starting to like each other. But their relationship has no future, because Lucas is (or isn’t) in love with someone else, and Mía doesn’t (or does) believe in love. Is there a difference between making love and having sex? Can you have a relationship without having sex? And can you have sex outside of a relationship without cheating on the other person? These questions and more will (or probably won’t) be answered in this comedy revolving around the complicated task of sorting your life out when you’re on the cusp of your forties.

Amor en polvo is being produced by Nadie es Perfecto and Juanjo Moscardó Rius through his production outfit, Cosabona Films, in cooperation with IVAC (the Valencian regional government), À Punt Media and the Wyylde social network.

See full article here.


SkyBound’s Dinner Party Wins Best VR Experience at 2018 Fantasia Film Festival

As VR programmers for Fantasia we are thrilled of the success of genre VR at this year’s edition.

And this year’s winner is Dinner Party.

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The first widely publicized report of an alien abduction in America provides the backdrop for director Angel Manuel Soto’s latest virtual reality short film, Dinner Party.

Soto said he was drawn to the September 1961 account of Barney and Betty Hill’s encounter with extraterrestrials in rural New Hampshire, both as a sensational story that captivated the nation — and as an opportunity to explore race and privilege. Barney, a postal worker, was African American. His wife, a social worker, was white.

Congrats to Skybound and director Angel Manuel Soto.

Read more here.