Bruno Ribeiro

Bruno Ribeiro is a Director and a Media Artist, with 15+ years of international experience in Arts and Entertainment. His work spans from monumental projections, immersive experiences to live performances, music videos and interactive installations

Splitting his projects between large scale environments (be they arenas or historical landmarks) and more intimate spaces (from art galleries to screens), he adapts his creativity and storytelling to a variety of canvases. His breadth of experience allows his work to be original, while standing on solid technical understanding. Through his ongoing artistic and technical research, He seeks to create new narrative forms while focusing on the sensory side of the work. In each of his projects, he develops immersive and synaesthetic ecosystems where the body, image, sound, light and stage design continually intertwine in a synchronized choreography.

Since 2009, his work has been featured in numerous festivals and events worldwide.
Some of his projects have been also featured in Wired, Huffington Post, Creators Projects and other notable media sources, gathering millions of views on social media, along with receiving Vimeo staff picks . He has also collaborated with the studio Moment Factory and has worked on several large scale projects such as Aura at the Basilica Notre Dame, the Muse Drones Tour, Regalia on the Reims Cathedral among others.

Bruno currently lives in Paris.