Roadkill Superstars

François Simard, Anouk Whissell, and Yoann-Karl Whissell are Montreal-based filmmakers and co-founders of the writer/director triforce RKSS. François and Anouk studied traditional animation in school, and Yoann-Karl Whissell has a background in theatre arts.

The trio directed Turbo Kid, a selection of the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, and returned to Sundance in 2018 with an eerily resonant coming-of-age horror flick called Summer of ’84. “The throwback synth score injects the tone with fun, thrills, and an escalating danger that ultimately tracks Davey’s loss of innocence. Indeed, the ’80s setting is less about the nostalgia hard-on than an essential parallel of that Reagan-era American fear that we are not as safe as we think.”

They are currently working on a number of projects, including a sequel to Turbot Kid.

Over the past 15 years, they directed many short movies, including Le BAGMAN, Demonitron, T is for Turbo and Total Fury, which have all been awarded several prizes in festivals worldwide.

Le collectif Roadkill Superstar est un groupe de jeunes cinéastes débordant de créativité et d’humour massacrant. Il s’est donné comme mandat de prendre d’assaut le cinéma de genre québécois, par les couilles!

RKSS a déjà réalisé plus d’une vingtaine de court-métrages dont Le BAGMAN : Profession Meurtrier, TOTAL FURY, Demonitron : The Sixth Dimension et T is for Turbo, tous récipiendaires de nombreux prix en festivals à travers le monde.

Plus récemment, ils ont réalisé We Are Zombies et Wake Up, deux films dont la tournée des festivals cartonne.

The cult classic movie is getting a video game adaptation, which is a cool homage to Saturday morning cartoons.