Occupied VR Talks Power of Virtual Reality

“Virtual reality is like learning to walk again. You’re opening your eyes and you’re seeing the world and it’s different, it’s bright, it’s new,” says J.Lee Williams, VR director at Occupied VR.

“It’s like a holodeck. If anyone’s ever seen Star Trek, it’s like that. You step into a new place and be wherever you want to be, do whatever you want to do,” explains Blair Renaud VR developer at Occupied VR.

Teaser de la nouvelle série Le Clan du réalisateur Jim Donovan

“Deux histoires parallèles s’entrecroisent dans la nouvelle série de Joanne Arsenau réalisée par Jim Donovan.

D’un côté, Jean-François Gagnon mène une vie paisible avec sa famille dans une petite municipalité du Québec; de l’autre on retrouve un père et ses fils sur le point de quitter une prison du Nouveau-Brunswick…

Et si les deux histoires étaient liées?”

La série, produite par Productions Casablanca, sera en ondes à Radio-Canada cet automne.

Fantasia Film Festival 2015 Top 5

Fantasia is drawing to a close and we thought we would put a quick, and utterly arbitrary, list of our favorite moments.

– Body, Mind, Change: the David Cronenberg Virtual Reality Experience by J.Lee Williams from Occupied VR.

Turbo Kid, Laurence Leboeuf is truly awesome in this.

– Fantasia fans at the Hall Theatre… up there with the loudest rock n’ roll crowd. It’s quite possible Fantasia Film Festival is a North American treasure…

– Cop Car, the Kevin Bacon produced indie film is quite tight and particularly well executed, especially the direction of the two young stars. It is B-Movie gold. Festival director Mitch Davis’s live interview with Bacon during the Q&A is also worthy of note.

– And the sick and spectacular manga inspired Attack on Titan, which serves up a non-stop climax for the eyes.

Season Two for Jim Donovan’s TV series LE CLAN

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Following its strong showing at Série Mania 2015 in Paris last April, LE CLAN is slated to begin production for a second season in August.

The show stars Sébastien Ricard, Louis-Philippe Dandenault, Pierre-Yves Cardinal, Roger Léger, Karinne Lagueux, and Luc Senay.

LE CLAN is quite distinct from other Quebec shows in that it features the Acadian landscape, accents as well as talent; the production base is in Shediac, New Brunswick.

Snitch Yannick Moreau is now safely married with children and lives on a ranch under an assumed name with his criminal past firmly behind him. But all this will change when his very vengeful father and three brothers are freed from prison.

Produced by Casablanca who brought us the very successful TV show SÉRIE NOIRE and Productions Phare-est, LE CLAN is a family thriller steeped in the Acadian province’s culture, and built  around a character who is secretly riddled with his past betrayal and the challenges of the new life his new identity brings him.

Also, please read the interview Jim gave to DGC’s MONTAGE.