New Talent at Woolf + Lapin: Director and Animator Julien Demers-Arsenault

Woolf + Lapin is happy to include another hot director to its roster of young, up and comers.

While Julien Demers-Arsenault is known for his animation work on credit sequences of some of the hottest films that have come out of Quebec in recent history, he is now tackling the live-action adaptation of the epic French comic strip Philémon.

He will co-direct the adaptation which stands to be a mind-bending three films spanning the three tomes with Sébastien Denault, also a great fan of the late Fred (Frédéric Othon Aristidès), legendary author of the comic strip known for its 70s style, openness and exuberance.

Speaking of exuberance, here is Julien’s splendid opening of Le Journal d’Aurélie Laflamme.

Some time ago, Julien also directed the music video for a satirical boy band song by Jon Lajoie. The video in question went extremely viral.