Paloma Dawkins is a cartoonist, animator, and video game creator known for works that blur the line between natural and game environments. Her works include Gardenarium (2015), Alea (2015), Palmystery and Museum of Symmetry, which was part of the official VR selection of the 2019 edition of the Fantasia Film Festival.
RKSS’s Anouk Whissell Goes Solo
TIFF 2019 – Woolf+Lapin’s Sonya Gauthier attaches Anouk Whissell to helm Tracking Board grand winning script DON’T GO THERE by Jeffrey Field.
“We’re always on the lookout for an array of bold and especially unique projects. When we read Jeffrey Field’s DON’T GO THERE we knew we had something. It’s most of all a great read, much like another script of Jeffrey’s NO MAN’S LAND, that Oren Uziel (The CLOVERFIELD PARADOX, 22 JUMP STREET) is slated to produce,” says Gauthier.
“Anouk, of RKSS (Turbo Kid, Summer of 84) coming on board to direct this tight thriller is a perfect fit. It was clear we wanted a female director to do this contained two-hander not only because one of the roles calls for a seasoned female actress, but because of the setting of the story,” says Gauthier, “it’s so 80s and well aligned with RKSS’s careful branding.”
This will be Anouk’s first foray into directing without her usual acolytes Yoann-Karl Whissell and François Simard.
“What first attracted me to this project is the engaging and complex duo of characters it features at its heart,” says Anouk. “They’re stuck together with their own dark secrets emerging in a story that highlights a bold and strong elderly woman as one of its protagonists!”
GQ: Harpoon Among Top 10 Horror Films to See in 2019
Our very own Michael Peterson is one of the producers of Harpoon, along with Kurtis Davis Harder. The film is adeptly helmed by Rob Grant with awesome acting from Munro Chambers of Turbot Kid fame.
Paloma Dawkins: Will Our Trust in Technology Be Our downfall?
Songs of the Lost is a magic-realist game odyssey through a surreal and absurd digital landscape. You’ll cross boundaries and traverse borders, roam hidden highways and meet enigmatic strangers, explore secret forests and enter the void on your journey to Apocabliss, the last safe haven…
A psychedelic audiovisual experience, Songs of the Lost has been created for the Manchester International Festival by award-winning Canadian games designer Paloma Dawkins and a team of international collaborators – with a pulsing, shape-shifting soundtrack by electronic composer-producer Jlin, who’ll be performing live at MIF19’s Queens of the Electronic Underground.
Montreal-based Paloma Dawkins is a cartoonist and self-taught animator turned virtual-reality and video-game artist. Known for her fantastical landscapes inhabited by strange and lovable characters, Dawkins strives to create games that are surreal and beautiful. Woolf+Lapin is quite thrilled to be working with her.
Fantasia 2019 VR Winners: Caretaker, The Realm Below & Heart of the Sathu
For a fourth year now, Woolf+Lapin programmed the VR selection for the 2019 edition of the Fantasia Film Festival.
Last night, Jury Members RKSS & screenwriter Martin Girard voted for:
Meilleure fiction VR
Best VR Fiction
Réalisateurs / Directors: Jacob Wasserman, Nicolas Pesce & Adam Donald
États-Unis/USA / 2018 /13 min
Misant avec conviction sur quelques figures imposées du film d’horreur se déroulant dans un lieu hanté (THE SHINING), les auteurs créent de belles ambiances insolites qui profitent d’un travail particulièrement soigné sur la photographie 360° et la direction artistique. Il en résulte une expérience VR enveloppante à souhait qui sollicite habilement la réactivité du spectateur.
Relying with conviction on some imposed figures of your typical horror film taking place in a haunted place (THE SHINING), the authors create an unusually beautiful atmosphere that benefits from a particularly careful work on 360° photography and art direction. The result is a wraparound VR experience that cleverly enlists the viewer’s responsiveness.
Meilleur documentaire VR
Best VR Documentary
Réalisatrice / Director: Leela Gilday
Canada / 2019 / 5 min
Heart of the Sathu est une expérience de réalité virtuelle vraiment unique et touchante, porteuse d’un message important sur l’environnement et les droits des femmes. Au centre du cercle de percussions, avec la performance vocale de Leela Gilday, vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher de vous sentir privilégié de faire partie de ce moment puissant et significatif.
HEART OF the SATHU is a truly unique and touching VR experience, bearer of an important message about environment and women’s rights. As you stand in the middle of the drum circle, with Leela Gilday’s singing performance, you cannot help but feel privileged to be part of this powerful and meaningful moment.
Mention spéciale VR pour le meilleur cauchemar immersif
VR Special Mention for Best Immersive Nightmare:
Réalisateur / Director: Souichi Umezawa
Japon/Japan / 2018 / 9 min
Le nom de cette mention spéciale résume bien le tout : THE REALM BELOW vous transporte dans ce qui ressemble à un cauchemar fiévreux et terrifiant. Peu importe vos efforts pour vous éveiller, il vous sera simplement impossible de le décrire à vos amis le lendemain matin. Un film avec beaucoup de cœur et une grande créativité artisanale, ce qui apporte résolument un plus à cette expérience singulière.
The name of this special mention says it all—THE REALM BELOW drags you down into what feels like this weird and creepy fever nightmare. No matter how hard you try, it’s just impossible to describe it to your friends the next morning. There is seemingly a lot of heart and great DIY creativity that went into its making, which most definitely adds to this singular experience.